If you are not sure that you or the people you are playing with can play this game without injuring yourself or others, than don’t play. It involves a knife and knives by design cut and can cause serious injury or death.

•For a playing field you just need a 6 foot circle in the dirt. Players up to 5 evenly space themselves around the outer edge of the circle.

•Each type of knife toss will be considered a stage.

•The goal of the game is to be the first one to complete all the stages of the game. 

•As there is no advantage who goes first, order is decided by alphabetical order on first letter of first name , if tied, then by second letter etc . In the rare circumstance where the first player completes all the stages on the first try. All competitors have one opportunity to do the same.

•Only one competitor attempts a stage at a time.

•To be considered a legal throw completion and to move to the next stage, no part of the knife handle can be touching the dirt. If you can’t see under handle than it’s not considered a completed stage and unless you take your option to chance it, your turn is up. 

•Once the stage is completed successfully a competitor than advances to the next stage, if you miss, the other competitors all take their turn and you will start back on the stage you have not completed yet. 

•The Chance Rule  allows you to attempt the throw you missed one more time during your turn. If you complete the throw on your Chance  you may continue on to the next stage. If you miss the Chance throw your turn is over and when it’s your turn again you have tostart at the FIRST stage again. 

•All players compete until there is only one player left, the last player is the loser. All the winners take turns hitting a wooden golf tee or small sharpened carved stick (peg) into the dirt with their knife handle. This is done by holding the blade of knife between thumb and index finger and striking the golf tee one time with knife handle. Starting with the first person to complete all the stages. The loser must than pull the peg out of the ground with their teeth called “Rooting the Peg”